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Medical emergency

Thunder storm
Vasquez Rocks County Park
34.4885098°N, -118.3206939°W
Posted on May 2, 2018 by Paul
What happened?
On January 6, 2018, I along with four other adult Boy Scout leaders took some of our scouts from Troop 2222 (Santa Clarita, CA) on an orienteering hike in Vasquez Rocks County Park. This particular park is in northern Los Angeles County and is part of the Pacific Crest Trail. Our hike began around 10:00 AM and each patrol was to find sixteen predetermined locations set throughout the park. Our patrol contained myself, another adult scout leader and six boy scouts ranging in age from 12-15 years old. At approximately 12:30 PM, we were about half way through the course when we had crested a rock which led to a dry stream bed approximately 50-60 feet below. As soon as I started my descent, I stepped wrong with my left foot and began to fall downhill. After I moved past center, I immediately realized that there was no way I could save myself, so I tucked my left shoulder in hopes of rolling through the fall and protecting my head and neck, unfortunately, this did not work. I fell about 50 feet, hitting a rock with my chest and head, I then rolled about 10 more feet, coming to a stop in scrub bushes and cactus. Blood was streaming down my face and the right side of my chest was in extreme pain. Our scouts and adult leader immediately went into first aid mode, putting pressure on my head to slow/stop the bleeding. As they were doing this, I grabbed my ResQLink+PLB from my pack and activated it. I was then in contact with the Antelope Valley Search and Rescue Team who and with the help of my ResQLink+PLB guided the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Emergency Services Detail rescue helicopter (Air Rescue 5) to my location. Because of the rugged terrain, I was air lifted out and transported to a local hospital where I was treated for a head laceration, blunt head injury and blunt chest trauma.
Words of wisdom
Always carry a PLB in case of emergencies!
Thank you note
Rescue location
Vasquez Rocks County Park
Rescue team
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