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Medical emergency

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ResQLink+ Activated After a Slip From a Boulder
-39.0646088°S, 146.4322182°E
Posted on November 28, 2022 by Elli
What happened?
I was out on a hiking trip on the southern circuit in Wilson’s Promontory. At Little Waterloo Bay, I went to the beach and over some boulders to have a nice spot to eat. On my way back, I slipped on a wet boulder and broke my upper right arm (the x-ray later revealed that the humerus was shattered into multiple pieces); needing to set off my ResQLink PLB.
I was behind a boulder where no one could see me and couldn’t safely get up. Calling for help didn’t get any response. I ended up scooting around the boulder until I could see a woman on the beach. She came over to help me back to my tent where my ResQLink PLB was. On the way there I briefly fainted from the pain, but luckily I was caught before falling down completely.
Back at my tent, I was wrapped up in my blanket while the ResQLink PLB was set off. There was also a family and 2 friends from the person who helped me while waiting. One walked off to contact 000 and relay to them what happened. After 5 hours and discussions with the paramedics about me possibly walking an hour to meet the ambulance (which I would have been unable to do due to the pain), a helicopter came to collect me. I was immensely relieved at that point knowing that I was now in medical hands.
I am very grateful for the women who helped me and the family who provided additional support until the paramedics arrived.
Words of wisdom
If you feel a situation could turn dangerous, remove yourself from the situation. 30 min before I slipped I thought about the fact that the boulders were slippery and could result in an accident…
Also, ALWAYS carry your PLB on your person when in an area with no phone reception!
Thank you note
I was very relieved when my PLB was activated, knowing that rescue would be on their way.
Rescue location
Little Waterloo Bay Hikers Camp, Wilsons Promontory VIC 3960, Australia
Rescue team
Good Samaritan
Go to product details- Buoyant
- LED strobe light
- Self Test
- 66 Channel GPS
- Easy emergency activation
- Antenna clip
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