Lives saved



Medical emergency

Thunder storm
Blue Mountains
-33.409983°S, 150.3037323°E
Posted on May 2, 2018 by Frank
What happened?
We were on a delivery of a 40 ft Condor trimaran from Beaufort NC to Pensacola FL. We encountered a storm with 30 ft breaking seas and winds to 50 knots. We broke our backstay and outhaul and were running off under bare poles. We deployed a drogue which was torn off a few hours later. We deployed 200 ft of one inch nylon line with a heavy anchor on the end but we were still surfing down the waves at 18 knots. We lost power and were taking on water. With night approaching and no moon to see the waves from astern we were concerned about getting sideways and capsizing. The air temp was 20 degrees F with a wind chill of 8 degrees F. Knowing our survival time in the water was very short, we deployed the ACR GlobalFix iPRO EPIRB.
A navy helicopter from the carrier USS George Bush arrived after about two hours but was unable to help due to the sea conditions. A Coast Guard Jayhawk helicopter arrived 30 minutes later and after and hour of attempts to put a rescue swimmer on our vessel, had us jump one at a time into the water with a PFD and strobe. After each recovery the helicopter chased the boat down and repeated the process until all were rescued. We were about 106 miles offshore when the last person was recovered. We were flown to the USCG airstation in Elizabeth City NC and met by the Red Cross who assisted us on shore.
You guys ROCK!!!!! Your EPIRB is the only reason we are alive today. It must be great to work for a company where you make a real difference in people lives. Keep up the good work. I hope someday to visit your facility and say thanks in person.
Frank Rawley
Skipper of the S/V Trio
Words of wisdom
The information provided during registration helped emergency services to quickly identify the two signals belonging to the same incident.
Thank you note
Thank you ACR!
Rescue location
Blue Mountains
Rescue team
Local Search and Rescue
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