On-Water Assistance
Posted on March 23, 2021
What is it and why do you need to have it?
If you are out on the water and your equipment malfunctions, you run out of gas, or battery dies while on your boat, you cannot pull off to the side of the road and wait for a tow truck. Having a problem on the water changes the game. No matter how much you plan and how many safety checks you perform, the unexpected can and will happen. The best solution for these non-life threatening situiations and added peace-of-mind: on-water assistance.
On-water assistance typically covers anything from towing and fuel delivery, to jump starts and ungroundings. Providing on-water assistance requires captains to have the knowledge, experience, professionalism, and know-how to safely service you and your family on the water 24/7/365.
The best on-water assistance teams will have locations near you and provide effective methods of communication in the case of a rising issue. No matter where you boat, fresh or salt water, inland waters, or even offshore, on-water assistance is an absolute must have.
Don’t leave the dock without a plan for on-water assistance. To learn more about on-water assistance providers like Sea Tow®, and all the benefits membership has to offer, please visit seatow.com, or google for an on-water assistance provider near you.